February 7 2016 - Forward Of Email To IC At CIC With Additional Information

 February 7, 2016 - Forward of another email to Information Commissioner at Central Information Commission - following IC's diktat

This email was sent to the PIO and FAA at MCI on 7th February, 2016. This is again a forward of the email sent to the Information Commissioner few days back, i.e., 22nd December 2015. This was sent to the PIO and FAA at MCI for reasons mentioned in the immediately last post also - 'because the IC (Information Commissioner) from Central Information Commission had wanted that all emails being served to the CIC (regarding this matter and regarding MCI) should also be served to the MCI'.

Towards the lower side one finds attachment mentioned. That is the 'additional information'. This mail with the attachment was thus sent to the CIC just one day before the hearing. It was actually meant for the MCI originally, but was sent to the CIC first, and then the same was then forwarded to the MCI later, after the Hearing. This 'Additional Information' is very very important. Whosoever is reading this Blog - anywhere in the World - should certainly certainly read this post and then correlate with my earlier emails to the MCI which are right here on this Blog. Lot of things will start falling into place and you will get extremely extremely angry at the Indian Army Brigadier who back stabbed the citizen, myself, for no fault of mine, and just because he had been paid mammothly to debilitate me.

So MCI was not only being informed but it was expected that bloody hell, at least now they will possess some shame and do justice.

So below is the record of the mail to the MCI which is a forward of the email to the IC at CIC.
MCI is Medical Council Of India
PIO is Public Information Officer
FAA is First Appellate Authority
CIC is Central Information Commission
IC is Information Commissioner

Subject:     No. MCI-211(2)(RTI)/2013-Ethics/139707 and No. MCI-211(2)(RTI)/2014-Ethics/145678-79.
From:     Sandeep Vij (xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx)
To:     mci@bol.net.in; rti@mciindia.org; ethics@mciindia.org;
Date:     Sunday, February 7, 2016 4:51 AM

Kind Attention: The Public Information Officer at the Medical Council Of India and the First Appellate Authority at the Medical Council Of India.
Refer No. MCI-211(2)(RTI)/2013-Ethics/139707 and No. MCI-211(2)(RTI)/2014-Ethics/145678-79.
Following is the email sent to the Information Commissioner on 22nd Dec. 2015 from myself. It's a forward. This is for your information. The 22nd Dec. '15 email to CIC contains an attachment called 'Additional Information'. It was supposed to have been sent to you in the normal course, in sequence, after the 5th email to you. You did not respond to my 4 emails to you and then also the 5th email to you. You can download the attachment. I will hope that you do not lie to the CIC that this 'Additional Information' has not been received by you.
Sandeep Vij.
Mobile No.

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: Sandeep Vij <xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx>
To: "bd.harit@nic.in" <bd.harit@nic.in>
Sent: Tuesday, December 22, 2015 3:30 AM
Subject: FIle No. CIC/YA/A/2015/000226 and 'additional information' mentioned in my email of 18/12/15

Shri Yashovardhan Azad,
Information Commissioner,
Central Information Commission,
August Kranti Bhawan,
Bhikaji Cama Place,
New Delhi.

Dear Sir,
Reference: FIle No. CIC/YA/A/2015/000226 and 'additional information' mentioned in my email of 18/12/15.

Dear Sir,
In my email of 18/12/15 to you, I have mentioned that I shall send 'additional information'. Please find it as attachment to this email. This 'additional information' would have been submitted to the MCI in the normal course.
Thank you.
Sandeep Vij.
Mobile No.

•    Additional Information to be sent to cic.doc (57.00KB)


Attachment sent to the Central Information Commission

 And below is the attachment alongwith the mail
Additional Information
Towards the end of the 4th Communication to the MCI, some facts have been mentioned in short. Following are the details or elaborations, and some additions are there.
- Because of the effects of this attack, I will have to 'live my life all over again, and that can’t happen'. The grip, the handle, connnections within the body, entire life development pattern lost. Nerve Connections have been destroyed permanently.
- The mind, body, brain, the person essentially, was in a trance for months together. The body was weakening and it has weakened, it has become old much prematurely, thinking is not the same, technical acumen is lost, it's difficult to perform because there is an emptiness even in my work "quoting" (quoting from entire make up, I don't remember many things - how did we do this or how did we tackle this etc - it's a never ending list). There is a kind of nerve paralysis, sudden ageing, pituitary gland malfunction or manipulation, diversion of blood flow, clumping of nerves (?), break down of systems of the body, break down of certain “synthesis” function of the body.
- Dr. Khanna prescribes “Verbet” in 2009 and then says that if not found anywhere, come back to me. I went to Subhash Khanna in 2009 because I had not recovered on my own and it was continuously difficult. My energy levels were very low, I was constantly tired all the time, my 2-wheeler driving had stopped. My 2-wheeler driving had stopped because my back would get tired very easily after even a short drive. My bones had begun to rattle! I would feel ‘bone’ ‘bone’ all over my body, I would be reminded of my ‘asthi’ after driving. That is the best way I can explain. My arms would get numb during driving itself. I had to shake my arms after having to pull over while driving, and this is not normal. I could not think ‘even a little farther than very little’ because a slight attempt to do so (think) would result in complete fatigue suddenly, and complete exhaustion, and I would feel that something terrible is happening as my brain would be telling me that it can’t take it. It’s as if it would collapse. It’s as if my praanna (life force) would leave me, believe me, as if there is suddenly a huge pressure on my brain and my praanna and that it just must make an exit. It was like the brain would get into a ‘heightened trauma’ because of too much work when there was actually not much load. My getting out of home had been restricted to evening time because it was around that time that I could just about move around, I would otherwise lie in bed for the most part of the day. My entire body was ‘heavy’ all the time. My spinal cord was heavy. Strange, weird. … So, Dr. Khanna asked me what had I been taking all this while. I told him that I take Neuroxetine sometimes. He also said that ‘ok whatever has happened has happened, is over, and now we have to recover’. He was very tentative actually, as if suspecting whether I know, or I don't know. His body language was such. He only can tell what it is, something that I don't know, which he was wondering whether I know or guessing whether I know. He then prescribed “Verbet” and said that if not found anywhere, come back to me. Verbet was not found at any of the chemists around my place, nobody had heard of it. I can show you the prescription. It can also be viewed on http://www.facebook.com/PictureValue/photos/a.1441808029456389.1073741828.1441710512799474/1444857465818112 . I did not go back to Khanna after that because of some other reason also – he refuses to listen to me, he refuses to believe me. Details on this particular refusal will be provided when you, the CIC, arrange for my meeting with the concerned people, agencies or direct the right Departments to arrange my meeting with the concerned people, agencies. Now when I went to one chemist later for something else, he asked me why have I not returned the prescription to the Doctor. Yes, I had not returned the prescription to the Doctor, Dr. Subhash Khanna. Prescriptions are not supposed to be returned! Anyway, it is evident that this is bizarre. Why is a chemist asking me this? And how on earth does he know in the first place that I have not returned the prescription? And what is the locus standii of this Chemist anyway to ask me this? Therefore, I am telling you that you investigate these chemists also and the truth will begin to tumble out slowly, gradually, because one thing may lead to another, directly and indirectly etc. They are well organised, even in shielding each other. Yes, I am talking about these Doctors and these Chemists. The 'Medical Retail Industry' (if I may use this term temporarily) is quite well organised, 'understands' each other, is sympathetic to each other and are 'partners in crime'. Now Khanna issued Verbet because he wanted me to take further doses of 'their' 'experimental drugs' 'manufactured clandestinely' for the purpose of 'experiments on humans' and 'marketed internally' or spread by a well entrenched network. You don't have to be a genius to understand this. So Khanna thought that non-availability of Verbet in the market would force me or compel me to take drugs from his side directly, drugs which were supplied clandestinely to him and which were experimental drugs. And it is again a no-brainer that once he issued the prescription, word was immediately spread around to all chemists in the vicinity that a particular person with Verbet mentioned in prescription is coming. So get cracking, CIC! Get Cracking.
- Sudarsanan mentions his daughters (while in the Nursing Home)! They (Sudarsanan and Nursing Home) had given drugs where the patient is made to be petrified or terrified all the time and then look up at the Doctors as the only messiah, and then do exactly as the Doctor is telling to do. There are drugs available and this Sudarsanan of course used those drugs. Sudarsanan said that you are not married, that is a psychiatric case. I felt rather disturbed and distressed also at this that why is an Army man speaking such nonsense. He said that he can brand me a psychiatric case if I don't become friends with a female. He said that he has the power. He asked me whether I am gay. I said no. I was quite disturbed at these questions actually. This person, this Brigadier, whom I didn't know from before, was asking all sorts of crap. I don't know if he has had a criminal childhood. I think he comes from a family of hoodlums. He kept on pestering me, 'why are you not married, why are you not married?' I told him that this is a personal issue and that he must keep away from this. He said that if I don't get married or become friends with a girl, then the Nursing Home people will brand me a psychiatric case! He said also that they are already talking about it. He said everybody is wondering why I am not married. I found this totally criminal and bizarre and idiotic. (Now whenever I asked for Dr. Khanna, he was not there. He came much later, I think on the 2nd last day, but by then all sorts of nonsense had been floated around, and I had lethal drugs in my blood stream. And even when Khanna met me, it was for a few minutes. It is of course very unlikely that the Nursing Home people will talk like that. I went there because something was evaporating from my head and I was feeling terrible and agitated and anxious. And in 2 days I had recovered also.) So, this Brigadier said that Khanna himself has said so (no female friend, and therefore psychiatric case). The Brigadier offered me the friendship of his daughters! He said "become friends with my daughters, I have two daughters". This was completely completely BIZARRE. I told him 'no' point blank and I also told him that 'this is quite disturbing for me and that I feel hurt, humiliated, insulted' and that he should stop. 'I did not go to the Nursing Home seeking friendship with females.' This fact should be circulated all over so that the public knows that there is a deranged man in our midst - this Indian Army Brigadier S. Sudarsanan. But the drugs injected by them were playing their part and I did not ask him to get out, get lost. Then he said that if you don't want to be branded as a psychiatric case then you must seek friendship with a female and openly ask for it. Now this was more than too much. This Brigadier had piled on too much. He is a hoodlum, he is a criminal, he is a characterless person, he is a scoundrel. Then he said that 'before the Nursing Home people send you to a severe psychiatric facility you must ask for friendship with a female, and as I have already offered my daughters to you, you can easily ask of me that you wish to meet my daughters in the presence of the Attending Nurse. My daughters know about you and they are very eager to meet you.' Then the nurse came. While she was in the room he said to me, "yes what were you saying?, you were saying something." Now I was drugged, dizzy, sleepy, tired, trauma like, agitated, scared, anxious, worried, anxious and worried about my parent, anxious and worried about my small family, anxious and worried about my work, so I said (regrettingly, being forced, coerced) 'ok let's meet your daughters'. Immediately, the Brigadier and the Nurse left the room. So this is what was happening there.
- Post Dec. 30, 2007, I decide to have nothing to do with Sudarsanan. This has been elaborated later.
- Around Feb. 2008, Sudarsanan calls up and asks, “are you taking my medicine?” I told him ‘no’.
- Sometime early 2008, Sudarsanan suddenly calls up on his own and says, “we don’t know what it is, symptoms are bizarre, we are only trying to control something before it goes out of hand”. This is all vague and bogus and pseudo talk. It is a bloody criminal mind talking, a gangster talking.
– Again sometime early 2008, Sudarsanan calls up and says, “you should take Medhawati”.
- Sudarsanan had also thundered, “ab karegaa (will you do now)?” He had yelled this during one of his calls to me in early 2008. I don’t know what he is referring to. I don’t think I asked him anything about that during that conversation because I was dazed anyway, and also because I had figured that he is a dangerous criminal in the guise of an Army man, but I don’t know to date what exactly he meant by saying ‘ab karegaa’.
- While still in the Nursing Home, a silly Nurse (another) acts very weird. This is trivia, so I thought. But I‘ll let you know why this should assume significance because of her behaviour. And I’m not doing any lihaaz now since that has cost me dearly. A lot of misinformation, malinformation is floating around. Therefore, I had said that they have made stories on their own. She, this Nurse would come with the BP apparatus and then very slowly wrap the sheet or the fabric around my arm while continuously bent forward and staring enticingly in my eyes. The looks in her eyes were erotic or something, they were inviting type or something. She was almost drooling, you know. She has no business to continuously stare inside my eyes for that long as she is taking the BP reading. She would deliberately bend forward towards me too much, try to brush her body or touch her body with my body. I was given the impression that I am an actor in an erotic film. And this is not hilarious for me. So I tried to avoid eye contact, and basically was very uncomfortable. I did not mention this earlier because I thought that she probably doesn't even know that this is inappropriate behaviour and that she is plain 'silly' and also because even writing this makes me myself very sick and low. But I will tell the world now. You see they were trying to frame me all the time. They were trying to brand me as a characterless person when that girl herself is characterless. ..Now a little fast forward.. She also has a 'moonh-bola' brother/s who is a 'Pakistan Lover'! This 'Lover Of Pakistani people' made his appearance suddenly as I was in an Opticals shop in C4E Market, Janak Puri (not on Ground Floor) in 2008, and where this silly nurse also came. It's like this - I went to this Opticals shop, this Nurse came soon after. Her presence there could be a coincidence (or may not be a coincidence). That was my first sighting of her after my Nursing Home stay. But the sudden appearance soon after of a hoodlum type person (male) after this Nurse came in that opticals shop and who (this male) started talking to me on his own and told me that that nurse is his sister (moonh-boli) and that Pakistan has 'better people than India' is not a coincidence. This appears very silly to even write. But I know that something is very wrong somewhere. I mean why is this person suddenly telling me that that girl is his sister and why is he telling me that Pakistan has better people! And who is that person in the first place, by the way? ... I need to tell you that I have been regularly stalked by some agency, some people. I am trying to tell you that this is a plot from a very old time. What they want is not something I know. Who they are is not something I know.
- MRI report had the wrong date. This may not be trivia. There cannot be so many coincidences and aberrations on their own. Therefore, I asked for the CBI. I went for the MRI on the 4th of November 2007, only after I got admitted on 3rd November. The MRI Report shows Date as 28th October 2007. This is not plain simple oversight, this is not a typo on the part of MRI Test people. This is deliberate. Consider that drugs had begun to be administered suddenly and quickly when I got admitted on Nov. 3. Now once the person has got an MRI done, drugs should not be given immediately (I learnt this much later). So they wanted to finish me quickly because they thought that I am in the net and didn't want the doubts or aspersions be cast on them. So they wrote the date 1 week in advance, because they thought that I will die anyway and there will be nobody to notice or bring to light this small fact. So am I saying that the mafia had its tentacles spread even at the MRI Test Centre? Yes, I am saying so. Only honest upright officers who will make contact with me can crack this and establish the culpability, involvement of this Test Centre also. ... I got an EEG done from the same Test Centre a few years later. Then what happened? You meet me, I'll tell you.
- Sometime in November, December 2007, Sudarsanan screams over the phone emphatically, “haan, your treatment has begun now” when I told him a particular symptom. That symptom was something like this >> in the head, something changed or moved(?) its position(?), ... something rotated(?), turned(?). Now this is mentioned in my notebook about which I have mentioned in my communications to the MCI earlier.
- At one other time in early 2008, Sudarsanan called up and said on his own that his fees in now seven hundred rupees and not five hundred rupees. This was inconsequential because I had anyway decided not to go to him and I had understood that the man is a criminal.
- Brigadier takes my phone no. around the last day of my Nursing Home Stay (November 9) and specifically asks for the LandLine no. and not the Mobile No. I smell a rat but I STILL TRUST THE ARMY (my biggest mistake). He specifically makes sure that it doesn't have a Caller No. Display. I tell him that indeed no, it doesn't have a Caller Display, the only lie that I made to him. The LandLine actually had a caller no. display. But something at that moment asks me to not give away too much. So I tell him otherwise. Brigadier also prescribes oral intake drugs over the phone orally after we come back home. He refuses to issue written prescription. He calls every few days. I TRUSTED THE ARMY. I start seeing hell. I am grounded suddenly, and I go deeper and deeper into a strange scary world, very terrified and "gripped". Work comes to a complete stop suddenly. 2 months down the line, my heart is sinking. The last few sentences have appeared in Gist Of Events, by the way. Now what I am trying to tell you is that he did not want any proof of his calling me or my calling him. I mean that that would be, as per his understanding or intelligence, some deterrence, if ever an enquiry is commissioned and if ever I am asked for proof. Now this may be silly (or may not be silly) but as I said, he was trying to add some level or ring of deterrence.
- Questions of this S. Sudarsanan while in Nursing Home. Some have been mentioned elsewhere. Some more are here. He asked me whether I see ghosts. I told him ‘no, I don’t see ghosts’. He asked me whether I got hallucinations. I told him 'no, I don't get hallucinations'. He insisted that I got! I told him again 'no I don't' and I was uncomfortable at his insistence. He asked whether I felt agitated at world events while reading the newspaper. I told him that I may feel concerned about some events just like any normal person. I told him also that obviously it doesn't affect my work. He asked why at all I am doing internet work. I told him that it is my interest and I asked him why is he asking that. No answer from him. He asked me how much I earn. If I recall correctly, I told him to keep out of that. Details of questions, answers can be found in my notebook about which I have mentioned in the communications to the MCI. He asked me about any shocks in life. I told him that no, I have not had shocks in life. But I did mention that the passing away of my father was very sad and that my father went away at a time when I had not really accomplished anything and when I had only just begun to work. I also told him that this is life and one has to accept that. This was a very personal thing actually, and I will forever rue the fact that I told this bastard, this Sudarsanan, something which is a very personal matter because now I know that he is not even near the feet of our family in terms of values, honour, dignity, honesty, and this haraamzaadaa Sudarsanan is an ARMY MAN!. He asked whether I take drugs. I told him no, I don't take drugs. He said, 'you were in a professional College, surely you were taking drugs'. I was surprised at this. I reminded him, 'no, I have never taken drugs'. I asked him politely then how he himself felt about that question. I meant to remind him that he should know what he is talking and to whom he is talking and that I am being offended. He wouldn't reply. I told him also that being a professional doesn't translate to the person taking drugs. He wouldn't respond. He asked whether I keep seeing the colour 'yellow' all the time. I told him that I see yellow when it is yellow. I see red when it is red, green when it is green, blue when it is blue, and so on. I asked him what kind of question that was. He wouldn't reply. Then ‘after’ this he asks, 'are you colour blind?' ! ! ! I told him, 'no, I am not colour blind'. I asked of him why he has come in the first place. He said that it is protocol. He assured that he would go after the finishing of his protocol. Trap. I TRUSTED THE ARMY. I insisted on seeing Khanna. Khanna came much later. By that time, dangerous, deadly poisonous, nerve damaging, nerve shattering steroids had been already injected. Brigadier also kept pestering me, 'why are you not married, why are you not married'.
- Dec. 30, 2007: My heart is sinking. After coming back to home around 10th November 2007, I am completely grounded and entering into a scary world, terrified and "gripped" all the time (blood circulation? - I don't know), clamped, clamped, clamped all over my body, each square inch of my body and also each portion 'inside' the body (blood circulation? - I don't know). Work has come to a complete stop finally and I am 'going away' steadily over the days. Dec. 30, 2007 in the morning my heart is sinking. We call up the Nursing Home and tell it like it is. We are asked to come over. We go to this Nursing Home again. I am staggering and just not in a position to walk. A wheelchair comes, but I manage without it (because I don't want me, the sportsman, to end up in a wheelchair like this) with great difficulty. But I am almost falling over and toppling over. At the same time, the psychiatrist comes. He has been informed by the Nursing Home. He exchanges 'notorious' and 'clandestine' glances with Sanjiv Wasan (a pharmacist, and the son-in-law of Subhash Khanna). Sudarsanan looks at him askance, as if asking what to do next. I don't make much of it, ignore it (at that time). But now I understand that 'they' planned everything and did it deliberately and wanted to deliberate on the next set of experiments or the final killing dose. I look at Sanjiv Wasan and give him a smile. Him and myself are around the same age and he used to stay in the same neighbourhood as mine though we are only acquaintances. I have seen him after many years. I am just being courteous and friendly, though we (my circle) know what he was from school days (studies wise, otherwise). He, on the other hand, looks at me disgustingly and asks rudely, "kyaa hai (what is it)?". He acts as if he doesn't know me or doesn't want to know me and that I am actually not needed or wanted in that Nursing Home, as if I am unwelcome in that place! I am surprised at this actually. I don't have time to dwell on that but. My priority is to recover. And this Wasan chap is not a Doctor anyway, and the drugs were given by this Nursing Home, and their henchman, this Sudarsanan. So I ignore all and go in. I am made to lie down in a bed. I tell the Doctors that my heart is sinking. ECG is done. The attending Nurse tells me after that in a hushed tone, "heart attack". There is no Doctor around at that time, so she could tell me the truth, "heart attack". I don't remember if they injected something immediately after that. I am in bed itself for the next couple of hours. Lunch time happens. Lunch comes. I am in no position to eat. I am not hungry. I have no desire to eat. I am just lying down, without any strength, without any energy. I am asked to eat. I don’t remember if I am actually persuaded to eat. I somehow manage to sit on bed with suppport on my back and begin to try to eat. I eat one chapati (roti) in 20-25 minutes. I eat another roti in the next 20-25 minutes. I am super exhausted, though I have been at home all these days. Sudarsanan comes in the chamber. He keeps staring at me, completely surprised and not expecting 'something'. He was actually not expecting that I would live. He has a worried and shocked look on his face. He is also waiting for me to say something, as if I will say that I know what they have been upto. He is waiting for some response from me. Then he asks (with a facial impression that he was masking something, pretending), "you want to eat?" I look at him and tell him, "I don't want to but I am eating because I know that I must." I remember this statement of mine. Then he says, "go-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-o-d" while nodding his head mischievously and his eyes wide open. It was a very long drawn out "good" uttered by him. (Now consider that all the credits, if I can use that term, that I was supposed to give to the Indian Army [my own credits, and if at all I was supposed to give] were over then. What are these credits? Credits are like "benefit of doubt", credits are like "lihaaz".) I told him that 'I am eating because I know that I must' because he is an Army Man, and bloody hell I am no less a soldier. I was at the border of exhausting the credits. From my side it was also like, 'ok then what is your next move?' He left temporarily. Then some time, Khanna also came. He saw me lying down. I don't know what Sudarsanan had told him separately. Khanna didn't say much. He just saw me lying down. And then he went. That’s it. But Khanna told a family friend of ours "iskaa ilaaj lambaa chalegaa, iskee shaadee mat karaanaa (his treatment will be long drawn, don't get him married off)" as he was leaving the chamber quickly. I heard him say that. (I have told you earlier that they have made up stories on their own and that Khanna himself had interacted very little with me.) Now this is grossly criminal on their part. This criminality I will tell later in this section. I have said that I was at the border of exhausting the credits and just about waiting for this ‘valour like’ 'momentum' of ‘play-along-the-game’ or ‘play-along-with-whatever-is-thrown-at-you’ of mine to end. So when Sudarsanan came again later and asked me (and I was expecting that he would ask that) whether I had finished off with my internet work, I told him (lying in bed) that "I have launched my fourth website." (Now I am not singing my own praises here.) This was also a kind of a test from my side of him. Immediately, he had a shocked and angry and bewildered look on his face and he left the chamber, snap. Immediately afterwards, injections came. How many vials were injected into my blood stream, I don't know. What were they, I don’t know. It was again very quick and when I asked what they were, I was told that it will be in the report. But I started feeling further agitated and bewidered again, and then they asked us to leave! I was not expecting that they would ask us to leave. I told them that I wish to be admitted because I am not right at all. They would not allow. They made me feel unwanted, outcaste. They made me feel like a botheration, an inconvenience. And take note that they again injected dangerous stuff. We came back home the same evening, I think, before or around sunset. I don't know really how I managed to come back home. It was terrible again. And the report was never supplied to us. I again went to an agitated, bewildered, tense, shocked, panicky, restless, 'something crying within', trauma mode because of this latest dose. I decided not to have to do anything with Sudarsanan again. After the 30 Dec. doses was the time that I understood or confirmed to myself that HE IS A DANGEROUS CRIMINAL. And I am telling you, the CIC and all else, that I shall never trust the Indian Army again. "I WILL NEVER TRUST THE INDIAN ARMY AGAIN". :-( 'I trusted the Indian Army when it came on its own, but I was back stabbed.' What does this bit mean? You meet me in person, I shall tell you. About the 4th website: Tripodot was slated to have its 4th website launch on Dec. 16, 2007. This was my own decision taken many months ago, and I just had to stick to it. So even though the drugs attack on me had happened in the Nursing Home (Nov. 3 to Nov. 9, 2007), and then one more time (late November or early December) and oral intakes had also played their part, I just about managed to put up the 4th website. The address is at www.tripodot.org and once again, this is not an advertisement. About the criminality mentioned earlier in this section - they have given drugs which destroy the testosterone of a male, and then they are going around saying that I myself am responsible for the destruction. This is a complete lie, it is a huge huge criminal act, and therefore, Sudarsanan and Khanna should be in prison for life. They have also 'changed' 'something fundamental' about the body. I am not a Doctor so I can't tell what exactly is the name of that change. But I am a different person, different personality, a subdued person than my normal self. I do not know if they subjected me to HRT (Hormone Replacement Therapy).
- During the first period of my stay (Nov. 3 to Nov. 9, 2007), Sudarsanan had yelled at me, "you have not made the websites". He had said, "you have not made it". I was quite surprised at that. Now I don't know why is he after me to proclaim to the world that I have not made Tripodot, when the entire idea is mine, it has been built from scratch by myself, it has been designed, developed by myself despite me not being from the IT Industry or having undertaken any formal course in website designing, development. It is for a lot of agencies to investigate this chap Sudarsanan. I am telling the CIC to 'use your methods' and figure out what exactly he is up to, to whom does he owe allegiance, what are their nefarious plans, what do they want, what do they want from other people in society, and if this is not the job of the CIC, then the CIC can direct the concerned Departments for the same. You have to establish that Sudarsanan is an antisocial element and you have to figure whether he is also an antinational element.
- During the early or middle part of my stay (Nov.4?, Nov.6?) the Attending Nurse came to the room one day and said that a girl came to meet me and whether I have met her. I told her that no girl has come and asked the Nurse who is the girl. She asked, "tum nahin mile (you did not meet)?", I said no and then she went without responding. After half an hour or so, she came again and said, "arre tum se koi larrkee milne aaye thee, woh milee ki nahin (hey, a girl had come to meet you, did you meet her or not)?" I told her again that no, no girl has come to meet me and I asked her again who the girl is. Again she went away without answering. Now I began to wonder who this person could be and why has the Nurse come to tell me twice about this anonymous girl. Then after maybe half an hour or an hour the Nurse came again, and this time she asked the same again, and this time emphatically, "arre tum se koi larrkee milne aaye thee, woh milee ki nahin (hey, a girl had come to meet you, did you meet her or no)?" Now I really began to wonder what is going on and then I asked my mother who is this Nurse referring to and my mother replied that she doesn't know and that she did not make much of it. In fact, even I was not making much of this till then, I thought till then that maybe someone from my neighbourhood has come. But now I was perplexed. And then, the Nurse came the fourth time again after an hour or so and asked the same question. So I told the Nurse that I have told her earlier also that nobody has come to meet me and even till then nobody has come. Then I asked her to tell me what is going on, which girl is she talking about, what is the name of the girl. Again, the Nurse did not reply and went away. When Dr. Khanna came to see me the first time around the last days of my Nursing Home stay, I told him that the Nurse said such and such. I asked him what was going on. The Doctor did not reply to that. ... Now I didn't mention this fact to the MCI because I was hoping that they would make contact and there were other more important things to talk about (so I thought). To date I don't know which girl she was referring to and I don't know whether this has any bearing on this entire matter. I suspect it does. Obviously it does. And this is for your information.
- Attempt To Murder. In my third email to the MCI, I have mentioned and I quote, "on the 6th, 7th or the 8th something happened". That is what has been elaborated slightly here. Attempts to my life are made. Some stranger with very rough or old clothes comes in one night and quickly places a plastic bottle with black fluid in it while I am sedated and leaves. I wake up at the same time (just before he comes in), I notice that he has placed something, he leaves immediately, I shout, he scrambles back, unplugs his own bottle and disappears. He was a hitman, not from this Nursing Home. He had a very tough and mature look about him and he looked nervous and tentative, as if about to do something bad or suspicious. I am too dazed and weak to go after him. This is for the CBI. THIS IS THE TRUTH. There is more for the CBI, only if they care to respond. Did one, two, three or more drops of this hitman’s bottle’s substance actually enter my blood stream?, I can’t say for sure. This was, as is evident, not sent to the MCI for reasons that you understand by now, I am sure (I kept waiting for the MCI's response and I thought that this "Attempt to Murder" should be brought to the knowledge of the MCI people or the CBI people when they make contact with me personally since this is very sensitive and it would alert the murderers). Now there is a little more detail here. I was actually sleeping, I was sedated. I woke up because I heard a male voice from the outside saying or asking, “yeh Sandeep Vij kaa kamraa kahaan hai (where is this Sandeep Vij’s room)?” There was no other voice. And in about 5-10 seconds, this rough looking person came in. He was like ‘Pablo, the character from “Tintin and the Picaros (a comic book)”, without the handle bar moustache’. What happened next, what he did has been mentioned earlier. I‘ve mentioned all of this in the notebook. This was, of course, told to Sudarsanan in the Nursing Home later. He said that this is hallucination! I told him that I don't hallucinate and I reminded him that I have told him earlier already as an answer to his question that I don't hallucinate. That was to no avail. So I understood that there is no point trying to convince them.
- Veiled threat. Again in the third commuinication to the MCI, I have mentioned and I quote, "on the 5th, 6th or 7th, something else happened". That has been elaborated here. Somebody came suddenly in to the room. He was an adult boy, or a young male, looked about 25 years old (maybe slightly younger, older, can't say). He was about 5'-4", maybe 5'-3", and slightly built. I had never seen him. He certainly did not look like a Doctor. He was also not from that Nursing Home. He just looked at me as if he knew me, flashed three fingers of his hand to me and asked very confidently, carelessly, as if freaking out, as if totally in control, in command, as if in a position of supreme authority, "haan bhai, yeh kitne hain (yeah, how many are these)?" I didn't like the way he came in, I suspected something afoul, but then I didn't want to give the impression that somebody's got the better of me or 'they' got to me, though I did not have time to think about who 'they' were because of my priority to get back to my work asap. So I replied immediately after quick thinking, "this is five minus three plus one. How many do you think they are?" He just paused for that half second or one second, turned around immediately, and left quickly, just like he had come suddenly, but this time a little surprised, and as if not expecting this response, and as if he couldn't do Maths. Now I don't know whether the fact that I replied in English made him feel incapable, or inadequate. Whatever that was, but this fact is to be noted by the CIC and all else, that an anonymous person came and showed me three fingers, and the rest has been mentioned.
- Post this entire episode of the Nursing Home Stays in 2007, I have been to Kailash Hospital in NOIDA, Janakpuri Super Speciality Hospital in Janakpuri of Delhi, Ram Manohar Lohia Hospital of Delhi, Gangaram Hospital in Rajinder Nagar of Delhi, Safdarjung Hospital of Delhi, Channan Devi Hospital in Janakpuri of Delhi at different times. The details of what transpired at all these places will be told when somebody meets me in person. But the common element is that the mafia has followed me everywhere and tried to scuttle the treatment by various ways. Everywhere some clandestine activity was taking place (reference my visit only). There were dubious people in the background "everywhere". Whether the Doctors at these places like my mentioning or not, whether they admit to it or not, the fact is that they were told to either go slow or make the patient (me) go round and round or not reveal the truth to the patient etc. There were also attempts to prevent me from meeting the Doctor in the first place. Details on each will be told when we meet. Apart from this, I also went to Arogya Mandir of Gorakhpur of UP (Naturopathy). The mafia followed me there too, but I don't think that the Chief Doctor knows about that because I did not have the opportunity to tell him so. But he himself was not exactly 'non caring'. I mean he was concerned (but then honestly there was really no sympathy from the Doctor’s side and I know that probably I should not expect sympathy, but then I don’t go around demanding that either anyway), but then I know that he will not like me to tell anywhere that the mafia followed me there as well, in his Facility at Gorakhpur. But I want to assure him that it is not about his Facility, it's about me. 'This' mafia is following "me", 'this' mafia is not concerned about "his Facility". He doesn't know yet because I did not get the opportunity to tell him. I spent 16 days there, the mafia made its "conspicuous" presence felt after 10-11-12 days or so by way of some 'acts', and I took my time in confirming (or understanding, or concluding after analysing), and this is not something that anybody can tell the practitioner just like that. When the right people meet me, I'll tell them what happened, at Gorakhpur, as well as in Delhi’s and NCR's Hospitals.

So immediately above is the attachment that was sent to the CIC (on 221215) and which was then sent to the MCI (070216). And above this attachment is the body text of email to the CIC (221215). Both of these thus are the parts of the forwarded mail to the MCI on, as said, 070216.

[Where it says 'you the CIC' or something similar in the Additional Information attachment above, it was presumed by myself that the MCI will automatically interpret it as 'you the MCI'. They did not respond anyway, and not because of this reason.]
So MCI was not only being informed but it was expected that bloody hell, at least now they will possess some shame and do justice. So did they eventually gather some shame around them and go for providing justice? Alas! That was not to be. Shameless and Hands-In-Glove MCI.
PIO, the Public Information Officer at MCI is Shikhar Ranjan
FAA, the First Appellate Authority at MCI is Reena Nayyar
IC, the Information Commissioner at CIC is Yashowardhan Azad.

And I am not shying away now from revealing my identity. My name is Sandeep Vij. I am an Architect, Delhi based.

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